Laboratories of organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry
Welcome to the home of Svenda and Paruch research groups!

Highly motivated students are always welcome to apply!
Mission Statement: We are passionate about using organic chemistry and synthesis to enable important discoveries in life sciences relevant to human medicine. Our laboratory aims to provide students and researchers with scholarly education and competitive synthetic and medicinal chemistry training. We pay special attention to the support of talented and motivated young scientists. Members of our group typically continue their careers at quality academic institutions or companies (see People).
Interdisciplinary Partnerships: Our laboratory is part of the large research infrastructure for chemical biology CZ-OPENSCREEN and the European consortium EU-OPENSCREEN, where we provide the chemistry support. We also belong to the International Clinical Research Center at the St Anne's Faculty Hospital in Brno (FNUSA-ICRC,
Support: The research in our laboratory has been supported through multiple funding agencies including the EU-structural funds, Czech Science Foundation, Czech Health Research Council, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Grant Agency of Masaryk University and the International Clinical Research Center at St. Anne's Hospital. We are particularly grateful to Alfred and Isabel Bader and the Bader Philanthropies for their support of our research and education.
Modern laboratory infrastructure and key instrumentation have been provided through national funding: "Modernization of the National Infrastructure of Chemical Biology" CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_046/0016118, within the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education. The project has recently enabled us to purchase new 500/600 MHz NMR instrumentation
Programme Johannes Amos Comenius, project title Modernization of the National Chemical Biology Infrastructure 2024, Project registration number: CZ.02.01.01/00/23_015/0008203 enables us to modernize and upgrade technological equipment and strengthen the development of basic and applied research and development in the area of chemical biology and genetics within the National Infrastructure of Chemical Biology (CZ‐OPENSCREEN).